Construction Document Management:

Oct 20, 2023


Construction Document Management: Oversee the creation, distribution, and organization of construction documents, such as drawings, specifications, contracts, and change orders.

Our Process:

Step 1: Document Creation and Compilation

1.1. The process begins with the creation and compilation of all essential construction documents. These documents include architectural plans, engineering drawings, specifications, contracts, change orders, and permits.

1.2. Document creators, such as architects and engineers, generate detailed plans and specifications according to project requirements.

Step 2: Document Organization

2.1. Organizing and categorizing documents are crucial for efficient document management. Documents are sorted into categories, such as architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing, and more.

2.2. A clear and logical naming convention is established for files and folders to facilitate easy retrieval.

Step 3: Version Control

3.1. Version control is implemented to track and manage changes to documents. Each document is dated, and revisions are documented to maintain a history of alterations.

3.2. A system is in place to ensure that stakeholders are using the most up-to-date versions of documents.

Step 4: Document Distribution

4.1. Documents are distributed to relevant project stakeholders, including the client, subcontractors, suppliers, and project management teams.

4.2. Secure and efficient methods of document sharing, such as a cloud-based document management system, may be employed to facilitate distribution.

Step 5: Change Order Management

5.1. When changes to the project scope or specifications occur, the change order process is initiated. This includes documenting the proposed changes, estimating cost and time impacts, and obtaining approvals.

5.2. Change orders are carefully managed to prevent misunderstandings or disputes.

Step 6: Collaboration and Communication

6.1. Effective collaboration and communication tools and processes are established to facilitate discussions, clarifications, and updates among project stakeholders.

6.2. Regular meetings, emails, and document sharing platforms may be used to keep everyone informed and aligned.

Step 7: Document Tracking and Review

7.1. Regular document reviews are conducted to ensure that all documents adhere to project requirements and industry standards.

7.2. Issues or discrepancies are identified and addressed promptly to maintain document accuracy.

Step 8: Document Security and Access Control

8.1. Document security is a priority. Access controls are put in place to restrict access to sensitive documents and ensure that only authorized individuals can view or modify them.

8.2. Backups and disaster recovery plans are established to safeguard documents from loss or damage.

Step 9: Document Retention and Archiving

9.1. A document retention policy is defined to determine how long documents should be retained after project completion. This policy aligns with legal and regulatory requirements.

9.2. Archived documents are stored securely for future reference or potential legal purposes.

Step 10: Final Document Handover

10.1. As the project nears completion, all required documents are organized, reviewed, and prepared for final handover to the client.

10.2. A comprehensive document handover package, including all project-related documents, is provided to the client for their records and future reference.

Crazy Work Construction's meticulous approach to construction document management ensures that all project stakeholders have access to accurate, up-to-date information, leading to efficient project coordination and reduced risk of misunderstandings or errors. Our commitment to document organization and control results in a smoother construction process and successful project delivery.